Vision Master podcast from Intelliversity hosted by Robert Steven Kramarz

Not-Jeff Bezos Interview


There may just be some billion-dollar coaching here.

How often do you get to interview the richest person in the world? Today, we spent 15-minutes with Not-Jeff Bezos on the topic of raising capital. There aren’t too many people that can offer more insight than a guy worth 175 billion dollars.

His vision changed the way the world shops and in the process employs 1,000,000 people. As one of the world’s largest employer, he created an entire economy.

We may not all be a Jeff Bezos, but we can steal his methods from his successes and take our own vision to another whole level!

Read the blog and watch the video on our Investor Access Website.

ect, and you know that paved the way for me.

Rob:     And that led you straight to success and kept your vision on track.

Not-Jeff Bezos:    Yeah. We’ll always need people who aren’t necessarily smarter than us but can make stuff happen in a way that we can’t make it happen. And then I think with the audience as Vision Masters, you’ve got to understand that you can’t do it alone, as a matter of fact, you won’t do it alone. So the team is critical.

Rob:     And the old myth that you surround yourself with people who are brighter than you, is not the point, it’s surrounding people who are better than you at executing a vision.

Not-Jeff Bezos:    Better than you in other areas. I think I’ve said many, many times, stress is the feeling when you don’t have control of a situation. So if you, as a Vision Master, aren’t good at the day-to-day grind, you better find somebody who is, otherwise you’re going to have a stress-filled life.

Rob:     And I think that’s true for myself and many other Vision Masters, we don’t do well at just day-to-day stress, we’ve got to have those Execution Masters around us.

Not-Jeff Bezos:   Absolutely.

Rob:    And when that happens, all hell breaks loose, which is what we saw in your career. Thank you, not Jeff Bezos. I hope I pronounced your last name correctly because I used to say Bezos, but yeah.

Not-Jeff Bezos:   You did.

Rob:   And here we are on the Vision Master podcast from Intelliversity and to get more detail on how we help, as Bill Campbell does, make an appointment on our website and that will connect directly to my online calendar, my calendar, and we can have a talk. So until then…

Not-Jeff Bezos:   That’s smart advice.

Rob:    And don’t forget to download Born to Star while you’re at it, and that’s the way it will be. Thanks not Jeff.

Not-Jeff Bezos:    You’re welcome.